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Manifestation Sound Bath

Volume 1

Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds and vibrations that will take you on a journey of relaxation and manifestation. This audio is designed to help you release stress, align your energy, and attract positive vibes.

During this Manifestation Sound Bath, you'll be enveloped in the enchanting sounds of chakra singing bowls, drumming and other melodic instruments. Let the harmonious frequencies wash over you, allowing your mind and body to enter a state of deep relaxation.

Black Blue Dark Space Stars Album Cover_20240129_153921_0000 (3).png
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Infused Intention Candle


Banishing Candle

This can be used to Banish Negative Energy from People, Places ect. Cosmics Infused Intention Candles are highly charged with intentions for each candle.

All you need to do is Simply Add your intentions to amplify and direct the power and energy toward your desired outcome.

Infused Intention Candle 

Caution Herb & Oil Infused Burn on heat resistant surface and candle holder. Keep away from anything flammable. Some herbs will spark and fly just as high as your intentions lie. 

Cosmics Infused Intention Candles are highly charged with intentions for each candle i.e Love & Abundance, PROTECTION, ect. All you have to do is add your intentions to amplify the power. 


. Set or write intentions 

. Light candle

. Do NOT blow it out

. Let candle burn out fully

. Let the magick happen

. Burn time 2-3 hrs 


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Infused Intention Candle


Money & Prosperity Candle

This can be used to bring in Money and Prosperity. Aiding in removing any blockages that may be impending your Prosperity and abundance.

Cosmics Infused Intention Candles are highly charged with intentions for each candle.

All you need to do is Simply Add your intentions to amplify  and direct the power and energy toward your desired outcome.

Infused Intention Candle 

Caution Herb & Oil Infused Burn on heat resistant surface and candle holder. Keep away from anything flammable. Some herbs will spark and fly just as high as your intentions lie. 

Cosmics Infused Intention Candles are highly charged with intentions for each candle i.e Love & Abundance, PROTECTION, ect. All you have to do is add your intentions to amplify the power. 

Online Shop: Image
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